Rich....... are you STILL drunk?
Who has EVER said that the ONLY concern about "Man Made Global Warming" is that ONCE we run out, the earth could NOT return to a 'nice' condition???????
It's SUCH an illogical concept that NO ONE would be THAT stupid!
Think it THROUGH! Just make a guess that it will only take (for example, the actual percentage doesn't matter) 80% of the oil being burned to make the planet uninhabitable.... who the HELL is going to be around to burn the REST of it?????
What IS being suggested is that, if we go on burning fossil fuels at the current rate, or even FASTER, then ENOUGH damage will be done to our 'climate' to make our lives WORSE!
ONE of the suggested outcomes is that we will DROWN a large part of ALL of our coats lines! Another is that we might accidentally 're-direct the GULF STREAM! If we do THAT, the UK will get a climate like that of ICELAND! Even if you don;t give a DAMN about drowning some of our MOST fertile growing regions and thus starving millions and causing land/food and water wars; SURELY you would prefer that the UK did NOT go back to damned nigh ICE AGE conditions????
You don't need to make the Earth UNINHABITABLE to make it WORSE!!!!!!!