I'm very interested that you would dismiss as insignificant human atmopheric nucular tests and compare them with thunder storms as to not have a very important or measureable impact - The planet would be robust enough as for it to have little effect yet would be fragile enough for a slight increace in co2 emissions from human activity to create global warming and boil us all. OK - dont see this as a corner you have to box your way out of. The atmosphere around this planet is either robust or delicate - and not just when it suits your augument. A 1 meggatonne thermonucular explosion is going to do damage wherever it goes off - on land a 1 mile DEEP crater - in the air, seen as a mushroom shape cloud with a little bit more than rain in mind. The equivelant damage to the atmosphere released by 1 average thermonucular test is equivilant to all the cars in the world running at full speed for a half life of approx 1.651 million years In energy term. Would that not be of importance? The first car on this planet appeared late 1800's. There is still augument that thermonucular testing helped create the expansion of the hole in the ozone layer. I'll take a further look into that.