Oh yes you DID claim it! You also claimed to KNOW that it entered the Earth by the Poles! Simply STUNNING!
You did so on the 22nd October in the following words:-
"Alaska is a pivitol area on this planet in that, when material is brought in through ****** the South Pole it bounces and enters at the North Pole as well as some material that "sneaks in" at the n.pole itself.."
.....and again in the 23rd:-
"....if you've been exposed to new theories on dark energy entering the atmosphere at the poles!...." ('EXPOSED'...... HA HA! you read PULLMAN'S BOOK!!!!!! And were CAUGHT OUT!)
And here's where you claimed that you UNDERSTOOD what dark Matter was and what it DID!:
"This dark matter is energy and it fuels storms"
Yeah.......... 'dark energy FUELS THE STORMS'...... in EXACTLY the way that Magic Pixey dust saves FAIRIES!
That's what you HATE isn't it? That I have MEMORY and am NOT phased by imbecilic 'New Age' Hippy ideas!
I am YOUR 'nightmare': a man who uses LOGIC and FACTS to show that tree-hugging CLAP TRAP for what it IS!!
Isn't it FUNNY how you try to forget parts of what YOU claimed when it SUIT you!