big head!
does abusing people make you feel big or something?
compensating for anything are we!??
This DEBATE, yes debate itpro! you DON'T know it all, you are NOT always right! and throughout the World scientists are still trying to find the answers on both sides!
absolutely and categorically everything I have said is plausible, i can't help it if you twist it\just so that it makes you look good!
"According to all major temperature reconstructions published in peer-reviewed journals (see graph), the increase in temperature in the 20th century and the temperature in the late 20th century is the highest in the record. Attention has tended to focus on the early work of Michael E. Mann, Bradley and Hughes (1998), whose "hockey stick" graph was featured in the 2001 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. The methodology and data sets used in creating the Mann et al. (1998) version of the hockey stick graph are disputed, most notably by Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick."
like many others i don't believe their readings are right.
as I keep saying you eejut! the info i post is from the sceptics in the knowhow.
When you or Vic have highlighted posts that you say contradict my argument I am trying to POINT out there are 2 SIDES TO THE STORY AND IT IS NOT CUT AND DRIED!!!
I have said on COUNTLESS occasions, we add to the greenhouse effect, by how much, noone knows! come on then let's see some advancement in the man made climate change camp! there is NOTHING!
all the new information is coming from the other side!!
if the hockey stick was to be believed how come winter in 1981 was worse than it was in 1901!
the temperature fluctuations have NOT been that extensive!!
you'll wake up one day! when you're freezing you're ass off and you'll say at one of your dinner parties (that you're probably sprouting BS about what I'm saying, where I have no chance to defend myself or present the CORRECT information), "well, Singers was right after all! we'll be ice racing again tomorrow and it's July!"