you guy's gotta learn to play nice ;-)
Insults aside:- sun spots have been recorded for many centries - and the sun was low in activity during the little ice age on more than one peak. Draw your own conclusion.
Since the 1950's A-Bomb and H-Bomb testing has been carried out by many countries. How many tests? I just cant find a total number. Dominic Tests in 1962 was 25 H Bombs - Grapple was 6 in 1958 - So even a conservative guess of say between 100 - 200 H-bomb tests in total by all countries. Some of these test were in the Stratosfere. Some recent French test were on the Pacific ocean floor. Do you think some French politician said 'non - what effect will it have in the earth plates or ocean life or climate if we blow this thing'? This is a very active area recently.
There are many reasons for climate variations - and maybe the old 'CO2 drive a different car lobby' has been seen to become more of a political reason other than scientific, in some peoples veiw point. That doesn't mean it doesnt exist as a cause or reason for climate change, it just brings in to question what real extent human influence actually does effect our climate (that can be positive and negative).
As Ive said before - its not the answer that counts here on these debates - it's 'is the right question being asked in the first place'.
To combine logic and science to create an explanation/answer could easily create error - but then, when has a politician ever worried about error.
Like many great debates selective concentration on an ideal, the eye always comes off the ball in flying insults and egotistical statements.
I am not saying H Bomb testing on our planet caused any harm at all - all I can theorise is that to do the equivelent damage to the enviroment to ONE H Bomb, in my car, would take trillions and trillions of years.
Are we experiencing the damaged caused in the fallout of 50's and 60's Tests?
1963's severe winter, was caused how? Was this a 'nucular winter'? caused by humans?
I hope this doesnt change the subject of the thread too much - but then again it was getting a bit b*tchie - so guys - put some constructive input onto these ideas and see where it takes us.