Oh Singers.........
The Trilobites and DINOSUARS will have seen the Aurorae in EXACTLY the same way that We and THEY saw OTHER common events! So, why should the standard, repeated, regular, non special events of a few SMALL solar flares have a significant effect on the climate NOW and NOT for the past FOUR BILLION YEARS? YES they produce VERY small LOCALISED changes in our atmosphere but those changes do NOT add up to be GLOBAL WARMING! (....or Global COOLING as some total MORONS are now claiming is happening!)
To give you a PERSPECTIVE on this...... it's EXACTLY like you discovering LIGHTING for your first time today! Yes, Lighting IS 'caused' by the SUN (just like Aurorae!), it DOES affect our climate (just like Aurorae!), it IS associated with climatic events (just like Aurorae!), it IS happening today (just like Aurorae!)....... but you sugghesting that LIGHTNING is CAUSING Global warming when it BLATANTLY CANNOT! Aurora and Solar Flares are about as CRITICAL to GW as Manchester United winning FOOTBALL games! It happens ALL THE TIME!
It's just that YOU have only just found out about it today! Solar Flares and Aurorae have happened at REGULAR intervals for the past FOUR point 7 BILLION YEARS (welll......... the Aurorae have been happening since we gained an atmosphere, so perhaps 4.3 billion years!)
Just explain EXACTLY why such a REGULAR, REPEATED event (peaks and troughs of the cycle every 11 years) have had this MAGIC effect of Global Warming that has been occuring for between ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY and ONE HUNDRED YEARS! AND...... why the HELL are you claiming it STOPPED in 2008 when we BLATANTLY on a STANDARD, REPEATED 11 year CYCLE!
This is MADNESS!