hi guys had to reply to this message,im a mechanic and got a massive snap roll cab,rare 90s williams model which i was always after,same as pretty much other roll cabs but they just put plaques on, gotta say snap on have been the tool of the trade but these days there lots of other tools lke sykes which is same as halfords,teng,mac tools which are just as good these days and they offer lifetime warranties but like snap on have got these days only give it in certain items,and the toolboxes these days are starting to feel cheap,i was speaking to the snap on man the other day and he was saying theyve compromised some of the range these days as regards to quality but for some strange reason us mechanics just love buying snap on,its a weird sexual thing!!!,gotta say if i was you and only doing it once a month and that was it i'd buy something cheaper unless you get a nice old second hand snapon box off ebay,theyre built so much better than the later than just fill it with cheaper tools but dont get cheap spanners,rachets or screwdrivers they just flex in youre hand and round off nuts and screws.anyone need a mechanic next season at 3s that could help them out i dont know much about setting karts up but could learn,thats if i dont start tkm myself