Again, you do it: in that ONE statement show how LITTLE you comprehend of the SCALE of the things you suggest!
You have made the PATHETIC assumption that because a Galaxy is LARGER then the Moon, it might have a greater effect or even a MEASURABLE effect on Earth than does the rather small Moon.
Well, let's use THAT one as a way of showing your TOTAL lack of apprciation of the SCALE of these things!
Let's also make it EASY for you; let's not choose a whole GALAXY, let's choose something that you MIGHT be able to consider, the MONSTROUS mass of Jupiter!
Let's compare the EFFECTS of the Moon and, the somewhat LARGER mass of JUPITER! Just to help you, the mass (and thus gravitational 'pull') of Jupiter is 2641 times GREATER than the Moon's.
So...... which one (Moon or Jupiter) has more EFFECT on the Earth and HOW much 'more or less' does it do so?????
Just to help your tiny mind here, let me explain: I am using Jupiter becasue the TOTAL gravitational effects of Jupiter on the Earth are well known, as are the effects of the Moon. I won't explain QUITE yet why so LITTLE work has been done on the effects of other galaxies on the Earth but, if you have ANY sort of brain, you might JUST be able to see WHY!
So..... give it your best shot!
Do you know which is the only OTHER group of MORONS who think that the planets and stars have any significant EFFECT on human life?????
Astrologers...... and I just supect that you probably DO believe in astrology, don't you!