Thankyou rmax! Your comments are much appreciated and it appears we are on the same wavelength!
While, Ian, I am sure you do read all posts quite thoroughly, in this case I feel you are geting a little over exuberant in trying to defend your own comments! I am finiding it very difficult to get MY point across - no matter how many times I state it!
In bullet point form:
1. Video evidence IS sufficient to place the blame for the Lewis vs Massa incident on MASSA! Even PRIOR to the wheels being directed at Lewis, Massa was ON THE GRASS, through HIS OWN DOING - no one put him there, he did it all by himself.
The fact of the matter is that he collided with Lewis either:
a) Because he was out of control, because he was on the GRASS - a place that HE put HIMSELF!
b) He was deliberatelly trying to 'punt' Lewis out of the way, or out of the race.
I cannot see a part c), if you can please provide it, but at the same time please make it plausable!
2. Video evidence is NOT sufficient evidence to suggest that Massa's actions ARE DELIBERATE... However upon viewing the video, pausing at certain intervals, one can certainly see WHY I am putting forward that there IS a P*O*S*S*I*B*I*L*I*T*Y that Massa M*A*Y have deliberatelly taken Lewis off!
a) Took to the GRASS - ALL BY HIMSELF!
b) Pointed his wheels IN THE DIRECTION of Lewis
and finally,
c) Made CONTACT with the Mclaren!
These are all steps that lead ME to BELIEVE that Massa M*A*Y have deliberatelly tried to ram Lewis off! As I have previously stated the ONLY person that can tell us T*R*U*T*H*F*U*L*L*Y whether or not it was deliberate IS M*A*S*S*A!!!
Chris Adams