That's amusing on SO many levels!
The first being:-
... that of ALL people, YOU, the one who said that NO amount of EVIDENCE could ever overturn YOUR bigoted views, tries to lecture ME on 'not listening'!
Thinking about that again actually made me laugh out LOAD!
Haa haa!
Produce EVIDENCE in SUFFICIENT quantities that has been gained by PROPER, PEER-REVIEWED and PUBLISHED (in respectable journals), the total of whihc outweighs the CURRENT 'data', and I will be DELIGHTED to C*H*A*N*G*E M*Y M*I*N*D! More accurately, I will SHOUT FROM THE ROOF TOPS that I was WRONG!
You see, THAT is where we differ! I am not SO arrogant that I think I CANnot be wrong..... whereas YOU already know 'SO much' that you DARE NOT look at the EVIDENCE!
The second one is that you try to make a COMMENTARY on your answer to the 'cirrhosis dilema' without actually stating what you advice would BE! Again, comic to the point of FARCE!
How strange: I ask you for the answer to a SIMPLE (and rhetorical) question and you STILL D*A*R*E not answer it!
Who do you IMAGINE believes that YOU (i.e., Mr RoadRat) would really NOT advise the patient to REDUCE his drinking??? Again, I laughed out LOUD as I typed that: the THOUGHT that anyone would BELIEVE you is enough to make me laugh!
Are you SURE you are not Singers, or at least a close relative? SURELY, only a Sinfgers family member could write:-
"In simple terms this is because it only works if you trust the 'doctors' judgement and believe that alcohol actually causes liver damage.!"
Forgive me, do you understand ANYTHING about science or medicine AT ALL????????
Are you REALLY now claiming that alcohol in high doses over a prolonged period will NOT induce liver disease????
No WONDER you find the discussions about Global Warming a bit 'taxing'!
If you are.... then.... well..... I accept that you will have WON your half of the dicussion! You ARE 100% correct: no amount of EVIDENCE will EVER convince YOU of anything about which you have already made up your VERY tiny mind!
I thought people of THAT sort of 'open mind' decided to retire from polite society around the 14th Century!