Tee hee!
I KNEW you would DARE take the challenge!
Don't you GET it? Every time you REFUSE to answer proves that you have LOST this part of the argument! If it DIDN'T annihilate that part of your argument, you would have NO HESITATION in answering it!
Of COURSE you would advise the cirrhosis 'suspect' to STOP DRINKING while we did further tests! I know it, YOU, know it and so does everybody ELSE know it!
It is the PERFECT example which ILLUSTRATES the logic of CUTTING DOWN something which you think COULD be damaging you even though you have no PROOF (yet) that it is!
And THAT is the thing that you claimed you WOULDN'T do!!
And THAT's the reason why you DARE not answer the question!
Stop fighting THIS part of a battle which you have LOST already! By all MEANS blame yourself for GIVING me this illustration but accept that you have LOST that part of the argument and move ON!
As I said, I'll be DELIGHTED to discuss YOUR 'question' (whatever it was) if you do either of two things:-
1) Promise to answer MY question in a simple and DIRECT manner
2) Admit we have now gone PAST this piece of the discussion and that it IS wise to 'cut down' on something if you even SUSPECT may be KILLING you!
It's a hook YOU constructed for yourself and I am NOT letting you OFF it!