You make a good point.
I know why I keep up this 'debate'....I enjoy it! I guess Ian must too, but only he can answer that one.
But you are right; how can the point be 'got through to' the masses?
In the case of the USA, and Europe, it can only be done by the media. Governments can ACT, but only to the level that their voters will allow....anything beyond that means they lose their position from which they CAN act.
So, since the media is the only messenger, what can we do to make sure that 'get over' the right message? Newspapers and TV like NEWS...'man bites dog' situations. Hence, they give equal, or greater weight to the 'Climate change isn't happening' reports than to the more numerous, and better informed ones confirming that it is. So, Ians NUTTERS get their 15 minutes of fame, and the rest of the population gets misinformed.
In reality, if I write an article for the local rag saying how 'Man is causing Global warming!', what chance is there of it being published? You don't need to answer, I already know!
So, one of the best ways that I can get the point across appears to be to put it on the web, in a position that at least a few people might read it.
Somewhere like.........oh, let me see.............its on the tip of my tongue.......