We agree 100%!
The bit that get's me SO cross (and causes me to by so ANGRY with some of the writers here) is this view that global warming ISN'T happening and it CAN'T have been us if it IS!
They take this stance without ever READING anything outiside their 'daily paper' or looney web site!
Do you know that there are some people who even state that they will NEVER believe it no matter WHAT evidence is produced???? Talk about CLOSED MINDS!
If the MAJORITY is 'scientists' change BACK to the view that 'It isn't happening' and/or 'It wasn't US that did it', I will be DELIGHTED.... deleriously so..... to say that I was WRONG! I will SHOUT my admission of error in the STREETS while I burn yet MORE fossil fuels!
Damn it! I am hardly a paragon of green-ness having an AGA and a Subaru! I LIKE burning fossil fuels!!!! Why would I want to STOP if I felt we didn't HAVE to!
There's no point in ME turning off the AGA (etc.) on my OWN as I am just TOO 'small' to have any effect! I want MY government to make us ALL do it and then try to make every OTHER country do it!
Yes....... I know I am living in cloud-cuckoo land.......!