Well..... it's beginning to look that way!
Remember... to start with, nobody thought that Global Warming WAS happening at ALL! (including me!). Slowly, as the evidence has mounted, more and more 'climate scientists' began to agree.
During that time, some started suggesting that there WAS a link between human activities and global warming. Again, NOBODY believed the initiating few.... but, once again, as time has gone on, the majority appear to be finding/showing that link.
By that time, almost ALL scientists who are working in almost ANY area affected by global warming (biologists, geologists, oceanologists. conservationists, etc..) were also able to show the EFFECTS of global warming; this seems to have put the tin-hat on the dicussions about WHETHER global warming IS occuring...... except for the few NUTTERS!
The next/current stage seems to be IF we can do anything ABOUT it and how LARGE is the affect going to BE!
By now, if my reading of the literature (New Scientist, etc.), the majority of climate scientists (et al) seem to be agreeing that we HAVE had SOME effect on it by our actions! The SCALE of the effect we have had is NOT agreed but few seem to doubt that we HAVE had SOME effect! Some seem to be saying we have had a MINOR effect but others are saying it's VAST. Almost NO ONE seems to be saying that we have had NO effect!...... except a few NUTTERS!
So.... the answer to you question APPEARS to be: YES! That is EXACTLY what I am saying!
Please NOTE, I am NOT saying my review of the VERY limited sources on the subject that I have read is the PERFECT analysis of the situation. The HEART of 'science' is that EVERYTHING is up for discussion. NOTHING is 'FIXED' and so it is NEVER safe to say 'science says THIS!', all we can say (in MY opinion) is that the link between human activity and PART of global warming is looking MORE and more PROBABLE!
The bit that get's me ANGRY is when there are STILL uniformed people who seem to doubt that it is happening AT ALL..... when the VAST WEIGHT of the evidence seems to have gone WAY past it being even SLIGHTLY doubtful!
Lastly, if we ARE responsible for even a substantial portion of the 'warming', the BIG question is, is there ANYTHING we can DO about it. Some are suggesting that it is already FAR TOO LATE!
And that IS scary!