That's the nice thing about 'science'. 'We' (an arrogant use of the word there becasue I am NOTHING to do with science nowadays!) KNOW that 'we' can be WRONG! That's why 'we' don't use the word 'PROOF' about something that MAY be wrong!
You are right, 'we' need to convince the majority. Remembering that PROOF is utterly impossible, you tell US what 'we' NEED to do to CONVINCE people!
The evidence of Global Warming is VAST, easily demonstrated, clear, concise, and agreed by 99% of climate scientists. It's corroborated by most biologists working in temp-affected areas, by Geographers and Geologists measuring the effects on the 'land/water' boundary, the ocean scientists.... etc. etc. ad infinitum!
BUT.... a few complete NUTTERS (who are usually NOTHING to do with climate sciences) keep coming up with LUDICROUS suggestions (e.g., the TOTAL TW*T who suggests the Earth's axis has tilted by a FURTHER TWENTY THREE DEGREES) that confuse the GULLIBLE and it's THAT which makes the 'general public' think that there ISN'T general agreement on the subject!
But..... if you CAN suggest a way in which 'we' COULD 'convince' the public..... we'll be DELIGHTED to hear it!
It's similar to the problems over the 'creationists' in the USA! There is not a SHREAD of evidence FOR creationism. Even more staggering... every SINGLE item of EVIDENCE shows that 'creationism' is TRIPE.... and YET...... there is a sizeable portion of Americans who BELIEVE in creationism. It comes down to simple points in both these examples: if you are too STUPID to comprehend the science and how science WORKS, then you are NEVER going to BELIEVE it!
As my great friend Road Rat said:-
"No amount of scientific reports of studies would convince me otherwise."
What on EARTH do we do to CONVINCE someone who won't accept the EVIDENCE no matter HOW strong it is?????? Even if we COULD 'prove' the point to the same level as MATHEMATICAL PROOFS (i.e., 100% CERTAIN!), people like RoadRat will NOT change their mind: PERIOD!