........thread has reached it limits
to Ian and Vic, been a watcher for a few days, what puzzles me is you have plenty of ideas on the problem but seem lacking in how you convince the masses you are right, you both might be right but unless you can convince the majority you are then it is pointless ego posting
the rest is directed at vic, we had a long and enjoyable debate about experts and in the end you convinence me with good debate that the masses provide the best safety net..but in none of your posts you mentioned how to sell the ideal you believe right to them
my view(which has no backing from any "paper")
is we are to removed from what we do:
the rubbish fairy comes once a week
the poo fairy comes every time we flush the loo
the power fairy comes every time we switch something on
the western world has no understanding of "cause and effect", no understanding no problem, i have visited countries where they understand protecting their enviroment because it has direct affects on them if they dont
the green issue use to be very simple, if you wouldnt do in your own house/garden dont do it, personnel not global
what does make me laugh and cry is the new green policys, to keep it simple, if we agree cars should be as fuel saving as possible and the ones that are not are damaging all of us then introduce a max limit now, if you cant meet it it cant be sold
the current policy is liking letting the ones that can afford it, to smoke in a public place, subaru (cigar) yep thats is fine if you can afford it, if we are serious about reducing emissions then no car should be sold that exceeds a set limit
but what both you and Ian need to work on is how you sell your ideas to the people who vote and get them to vote for the best party to bring in the changes needed....you may be right but "power not truth" will win if you fail to convince the majority
look around your supermarkets, how many more people are using "reusable" bags, it not about being right or wrong but how it is sold
not saying you are wrong but is being right solving the problem