I would say we have been MSA racing for 4 years and we have never had our camshaft checked at club level racing, which I admit I do find frustrating, because......
I have bought the ABKC camshaft check tool and recently found an illegal camshaft in a customers engine, the base circle had been ground down the the minimum service limit, but it failed the gauge check detailed in the regs, by about double the allowed limits, hardly a marginal fail.
To remove the side-cover bolts and do the cam gauge check, is just a 5 minute job, and I wish the scrutineers would enforce this camshaft gauge check more often at club level racing.
The engine made a gurgling type of noise while idling, after replacing with a standard honda cam it didnt make the gurgling noise any longer, and the engine is still a really solid performer on my dyno....... I am now tuned into this gurgling at idle noise and I do hear the odd one now and then......they are out there.....