Just to clarify. My question was asked of 'Coach Calhoon' who seems to have opted out of Cadet racing and might therefore feel more inclined to clarify his post without giving away 'trade' secrets. I have never considered using an engine builder always built my own from 100 uk. to 250 Nat. plus assorted Vee twins, twin comers and of course Honda gx160, 200,&390 plus cg and gc. Haven't driven a kart for three years or so and as next year will be my eightieth probably never will again. Don't have or want kids so I am not wanting to take advantage of other's knowledge to my,or their advantage, just trying to promote an informed discussion on a karting topic as befits a karting forum. So. It would seem that at least some cadet karters are losing performance in hot high grip conditions and this is put down to 'too much grip' Is the general informed opinion that this is due to insufficient unloading of the inside rear wheel absorbing ' power' due to a kart's lack of a differential?, or is it that a rubbered track on a hot day causes the tyres to behave like Bostik with increased resistance to rotation.? If the latter then not much to be done on the chassis front as far as I can see,maybe a tooth or two on the back sprocket. Same for everybody, big engine/ clutch? wins. If the former then the kart has a range of adjustments to cope.I would suggest one or more of the following:Increased castor, front wheels out, rear wheels in,raised centre of gravity. Discuss, if you feel like it!