Of all classes, surely none would benefit from action to stop, basically, cheating via intentional contact than Cadets and yet it seems to be the only class where that is not being addressed in any realistic way. It is often not even mentioned at driver's briefing, never mind any kind of enforcement on the track. On the rare occasions when action is taking it is invariably a warning flag and the offender gets to keep their position....
We've been at it for over two years now and the things we see and hear about beggar belief. Ironically, the problems seem to lie more with the adults than the children.
In life, a lot of people will do what they can get away with. The system as it stands is so easy to abuse and many people seem to do so on a habitual basis. It's a real shame that nobody with any clout appears to care at all.
So, why not some kind of drop down bumper and a rule that any position gained through contact must be immediately given back? Of course, problems would still happen but the current policy of doing almost nothing doesn't appear to be working....