Thanks for the information. I was aware of the new exhaust but had not seen any reference to machining the block face. Presumably the detail will be in the new regs. V11 promised before Xmas. However in general terms the whole concept of 'Budget ( surely low not high) engine' seems to be unreasonably and expensively sacrificed on the altar of supposed equality. Perhaps it is time for ABkC to remove the 'budget engine' from their literature and stop the charade.Some people are misled by this, others see the Honda as more easy to ' manage' than the 2/. A third group seem to view the class as one where advantage can be bought to an extent not available elsewhere. Forget the budget tag and take advantage of the sealed equalised engines as provided by RPM.if you want a driver competition at reasonable cost. Sad that it rules out the self builder, is he still out there? but....