The Honda Cadet karts that I know of that have come up for sale with a T1 were racing with a T2. It makes sense to do that as the chances are the buyer will be just starting out and wants a complete kart for a reasonable price that they can upgrade later. Just keep the T1 for practice or wet weather. It's not a con but you just need to be aware that what you're buying is likely to be uncompetitive and will need upgrading in time.
Having said that, my lad did Formula 6 this year and while there were small grids, he had a T1 clubman and had some very close racing with the other kids on T2s. He came second in the championship so I'm very proud of him considering the engine situation. We're doing Easykart next year where the equipment is relatively level. Hopefully the challenge he's had this year on a lesser engine will help him.