It isn't rocket science. Building SP engines is all about measuring and testing what works to find multiple but minute gains. The more engines, especially of different batches or even models that you see the better. Also for example, many GX200 parts are interchangable but may have slightly different dimensions coming from different factories or countries, like many of the lastest GX160 that are now made in China. So basically it's looking for parts at the extreme end of manufacturing tolerance and seeing if they improve performance.
Sometimes you can open a pallet of engines and find they are all terrible, other times you might strike gold. It's like buying a lottery ticket. But an experienced builder can look at a serial number and see if it might be a good one, although this does not always follow. Sometimes parts on alternate numbered engines will be good and bad as if they come off two different production lines.
Dedicated karting engines are not nessasarily better either as the old boy network means that new engines destined for sale may get diverted through a friendly tuner who will pick the best and reject the rest.
Tuning is completely different, any half decent mechanic can make any engine quick with mostly off the shelf parts from somewhere like NR Racing.