I don't understand how they said no novices could enter the Oplate, but then allowed novices in the Honda cadet clubman, and then mixed the Oplate drivers and the clubman together. Even though the cadets had controlled tyres and race fuel and the Honda cadet clubmans never, the two classes should have been completely seperate. 2 hcc ended up in the a final not even racing there own class and stopped the other clubman drivers from having the opertunity to compete against all of there competitors. That's only my second time at buckmore and we won't be going back the whole meeting was a shambles. For the fact it was meant to be the Hondas premier meeting of the year it was disgraceful. The tannoy was useless the grids were only posted minutes before they were due out.the mixing drivers with controlled tyres and fuel with those not on controlled tyres and fuel is ridiculous . Both the msa and abkc need to investigate buckmore park kart club running of this prestigious event there no way they should get it next year a total joke