Something to bear in mind is that the K caliper is only compatible with an 8mm disc (unhelpfully, earlier GTK calipers were cast with K on the side just to muddy the waters, but an actual K caliper is 8mm only), so it is worth making sure that the floating disc carrier and disc are 8mm accordingly.
The good news is that the K system with the 18mm master cylinder is an absolutely mighty brake which would stop a tank. They can be finnicky (even if it's working okay now, I would definitely consider replacing the MC seals and caliper seals and pistons if you got it secondhand as they can lose their ability to self adjust if left sitting for a long while, causing binding>overheating>boiling fluid>going to hell...also use anything but Dot 5 at your peril, and keep everything super clean-when changing pads pump the pistons out a bit and drench everything with brake cleaner to avoid dirt/dust ingress causing binding) but when it is really singing my K system makes me grin like a fool as 200kg of Prokart and I barrel into the entry of the Clay hairpin, braking stupidly late but making it work :-D