Hi Rob, all engines tuned to the same power, as near as you can get, sealed in 3 places as the engines are not within MSA rules. All engines are only from RPM, this is causing most of the bitching along with the sealed part, £400. As far as I know all tracks running them are on "buy-back" & all tracks have control engines so if the CoC thinks there is any problems they can give you a pair of the control engines to race. Some tracks are running 180kg & others are 185kg. Check what meetings RPM are going to & you can go there, get a pair of engines to try, for free. Rest of the regs are as 160's & local track regs. Rebuild cost? Some track these engines are nearly 2 seconds a lap quicker. Last week I used about 1 litre more fuel than normal, 1 hour practise, qually, 4 heats & final. This morning the sky is grey, it is cold & snowing!!!!