t1,t2, are just the two latest models of the Gx160 engine.
t1's preceded t2's
it was quite a big change and puzzled people for a while how they compared.
Bottom line is only the t2 is manufactured now so sourcing parts for t1's will be scarcer as time goes by.
the UFO you mention is just one of a handful of Gx tuners.
the engines come in 3 variants: # out of the box - needing degoverning and optimising for racing # race prepped - what it says on the box -ready for racing # sp - selected parts engines- cost a small fortune(ruining the sport as far as I am concerned) as they are built from the very best parts available, usually from a lot of std engines that just happen to have been manufactured to rather advantageous/loose tolerances that shift/day/week
Good Luck!
Brian P.