It is very obvious from the above posts that there is a clear difference of opinion about what took place on the track and / or what is acceptable. I was not there so I cannot give my opinion on what actually happened, but I do think that if there are problems with only 10 Karts on the track, this will only get worse if the series gets more entries in the future.
Standing starts are not the solution. Rolling starts are better and safer if properly managed by the officials. If overly aggressive driving takes place it should and must be dealt with by the COC / Organisers. However, when trying to keep what entrants they have whilst trying to attract new blood it is a difficult balancing act to achieve and some drivers will exploit this situation.
'Rubbing' happens, just accept that as a fact but 'loading' or any form of using the kart in front to help slow down is not on and should be punished.