I do not think that publishing the full text of the buy-back is necessary here, but let me explain a few things in the hope of some clarity. First and most important, the buy-back class would be a separate class, you would enter in this class in the full and certain knowledge that your engine could be bought, and agreeing to sell if required. So no existing owners should feel threatened that their more expensive motors might be taken from them. You enter this class and run engines prepared by yourself, or available from Jeff, Richard or Roger, at a cost of £425 +VAT (£510). These engines are de-governed, have G4 valve springs and optimised cam timing and come complete with pump etc. Any competitor in that class and racing on that day, who feels that your engines are performing better than they have a right to be, can purchase the engine(s) from you at a cost of £550. This leaves the vendor with £40 to buy a new engine, run it in and do an oil change without being out of pocket. That is the bare bones of it. It is designed to offer an economic entry into our sport, and a class for folk who do not wish to spend large amounts on engines. Discuss!