I know that Lydd do it now, they run a senior class and all are allowed, pro kart, biland, rotax, TKM. Obviously it needs fine tuning to make it fair, but your right, no wants to do it!
As for the TKM 2/, it is great to drive, i had a DD so the power kick was immense, and they are so light and nimble! As for maintenance, i don't really know, i rented the motor off dave litchfield, but the whole weekend we just put the fuel/oil mix in the tank and went! that was it! No engine issues all weekend, started first time everytime, and putting the engine on the chassis and taking it off was a 10 minute job! Rebuilds, well Litchfield told me it was around 200-250 for a rebuild, however the number of hours range for how competitive you want to remain and at what level i guess. But again, that is only what i could tell from the short weekend i spent in one!