As far as i am aware mr Ian Lawson is doing what he does best and for goodness sake lets stop all the whinging and mumping about what he is tryiing to do to HELP US!!! let him get on with it!!! We are all racing in my opinion THE BEST PROKART championship in the country and thats down to him and the rest of the warden law staff and personel doing a great job and running the place superbly ( and before anyone asks im not looking for brownie points) its fact.
The real problem and danger has been pointed out, taken on board and solved within days of the last meeting, as everyone saw i ended up coming off worst in a fight with those tyres at the chicane and im glad something has been done to resolve this. It could have been much worse than it was with 40 karts heading straight for me so im just thankfull that hopefully no repeat of that type of accident will happen there again. :)
Come on guys try and be positive, even if u dont agree with something put forward, come up with something better, dont just condem it and slag the idea.
p.s i was going to keep this short but oh well.
Off to the pub :)