the throttle of a Gx160 is a butterfly valve, located in the main venturi casting of the carb.
The butterfly is moved by a black resin quadrant on top of the carb.
This resin quadrant takes the strain of any pressure on the throttle linkage. (there is also a coiled spring attached to the linkage used for the same reason, to soak up excess pressure by pressing the pedal hard)
So... if, when you press the throttle pedal, the quadrant is butting up against the alloy casting/stop then you are getting full throttle.
A check to see where any 'hang up' is, is to use the carb's hand lever and see if the resin quadrant moves fully against the alloy stop. If it does then check the boden cable for adjustment and pedal assembly for 'stops' being adjusted too close to pedal.
Brian P.