Having recently escaped from the Honda class, I cant help but to add my bit. If there was genuine interest from the "authorities" to sort this engine fiasco out, why on earth isn't the Fische tightened down. One simple yet highly effective additional ruling would be to regulate compression with a flush deck principle. i.e. piston and block machined to flush deck as a maximum. - No piston pop out etc.
As for Exhausts, why not a simple exhaust restrictor? - Visible and easy to check? As the owner of a metal Fabrication company I can state without hesitation that anything metal can be "manipulated".............as is the case with current and previous versions of exhaust used in this class.
The Americans have this little motor well sorted in many forms of dirt and circuit racing. A good example of Engine Reg's to study is those in place for 1/4 mile midget racing.
It was up until very recently a case of "he who buys the most engines from Honda, gets access to more SP bits to use", creating a simple strangle hold on the market. Why not allow a little more machining and open up the market for others to create motors of equal performance without the need to buy pallet upon pallet of the bloody things in hope that there might be a few good bits.
We have all followed engine tuners like sheep due to performance variations between different builders. In an ideal (and easily achievable) world, a few more simple tweeks to the Regs, would allow Engineering Best practices to dictate who the better builder is. Or perhaps as paying customers, we could choose our preferred builder based on the merit of our relationship or locality to them. It would even open the door for a few people to build there own motors.
I was lucky and had my own dyno for a while. Sadly for me it proved many times over the amount of BS myself (and friends) were being fed. I'm no saint, I have been equally "suckered" in, like everyone else with "big", "monster", "Mahoosive" BHP claims - We all need our heads testing!! Its a £200 quid whacker plate engine!!!!! £3k, £4k and beyond..........WTF.
I had mixed fortunes with all the builders during my time in the class. I was sold illegal engines by one, very average engines by another, Average engines with exceptionally good exhausts by yet another..........It goes on and on. The one builder I actually felt comfortable using, just couldn't get the "claimed" performance of others and like a sheep I had to move on.
Mr MSA, if the passion is truly there to create greater parity in this class, a few simple tweaks is all it needs. Common sense would suggest that some simple machining and tweaking of certain permissible component dimensions would actually make the SP bits illegal. Crank grinding, decking, skimming of heads would all be completely legal, providing you specify a simple set of dimensions..........a far better scenario surely?. No further need to "sell your soul" for a £4k named engine, when you could simply have something legitimately built by your Preferred builder of choice. All builders working to the same set of dimensions means the best Engineer wins.
Stroke should be max 45.00mm, Flush Deck, Heads controlled by chamber volume and not thickness, Exhaust Restrictor, Cam Timing open. Well that's what I'd do if I were in charge, but I guess it raises the question......who is actually in charge?
I will now crawl back under my rock, and wish all those still in the class the very best of luck in their racing.