Thanks for the reply Graeme. To firstly answer your question why, There is a track near to where I live that runs a 160 class race meeting and that is what was already on the kart when I bought it. Two of my mates have also bought karts with the 160 engines so I am primarily looking to race against them lol. I am retired now and have plenty of time to tinker which I really enjoy so buying already modified engines would rob me of that pleasure.I think for now I will leave the head as it is but use the 200 head as it is quite a lot thinner. The cam is looking a little worn so I will look at replacing it with the 200 cam as per your advice. I have read somewhere that the aluminium flywheel is much lighter and will in turn increase acceleration though not sure if this is true.I have looked into the modifying of the cam timing but that seems a little over my head at this stage but I will be fitting the 200 carb with the 140 emulsion tube and a main jet of 85. I will also be replacing the piston rings just as it seems a good idea whilst the engine is in bits but again not sure if it would be better to put the 200 ones in as they are a little thinner.
Thanks again