The ABkC tried to get approval from the MSA last year to increase the weight as we believed it was too low. The MSA asked for proof of the need. We carried out weight surveys at both Super One level (generally older children) and club level (a big grid at Bayford) and unfortunately neither showed up any great problem. At Bayford only two drivers were not carrying ballast and almost 50% were carrying between 10 and 15kg ballast. We also had a survey at Easykart Cadet of 14 drivers where the weight is 106kg, so the maximum driver weight is 44kg without penalty. Seven of those surveyed met the weight limits for MiniMax or Junior TKM. At Super One every driver had ballast, the heaviest two drivers were 45kg and had 1 and 2 kg ballast respectively. So we failed to get agreement on safety grounds.