Cheers for the replies, all very hepfull, yes I had seen the topkart mounts and phoned the rye shop, but they dont have anymore in stock, and I must say they are very tall items, so this concerns me, but the 2 people that do run them aint slow! perhaps a high CofG helps?, anyway....
The new upper and lower mounts arrived from Zip and although they still fit on the chassis like the proverbial todger in a top-hat, they certainly aint no glove! it has highlighted some major problems with my existing mounts, principally they have been machined and quality inspected by stevie wonder, honestly they are 2mm out from side to side, so the engine is majorly on the pi55, also the lower clamp doesnt realy clamp the tube, just acts as a wedge and pushes them further apart......hey ho, another problem fixed!