If your word 'Lower' means lower on the Pitman Arm (Drop link on the steering column) then you are correct. Further from the centre of the steering column, the higher 'geared' the steering (small steering wheel movement, larger effect). That has no effect on the Ackerman effect.
There are two (main) ways to affect the Ackerman. Firstly, if you think of the drag link (arm which sticks out of the 'back' of the stub axle) sticking out at 90 degrees to the direction of the stub, then there will be ZERO Ackerman effect(we'll come to this later). However, if you bend the drag link to be MORE than 90 degrees (i.e., the end of it being closer to the centre line of the kart than the stub axle is) then you will have the Ackerman effect. The closer to the centre line, the greater the effect (i.e. the more the inner wheel will turn than the outer wheel.
In karts, we don't bend that arm, we just select the track rod mounting holes on the drag link which are closer to the centre line to increase the Ackerman effect. None of the mounting hols WILL be at 90 degrees to the stub axle, that's why I said it's IMPOSSIBLE to remove the Ackerman effect completely.... unlike what others will tell you!
There IS a 'second' way of affecting it. However, as road and race cars don't have this option I am therefore not sure Ackerman thought about this effect, strictly, I don't think it CAN be called 'Ackerman'...... it just looks like it! Don't take that as gospel..... I am guessing here!
Let's take a drop arm (Pitman link) that has THREE holes 'side-by side', horiziontally. If you mount BOTH trackrod ends to the centre hole of the three, then the 'Ackerman effect' caused by the drop arm will be Zero. Obviously, the Ackerman effect caused by the drag links WILL still work.
However, If you separate the two track rods and mount one in each of the OUTER holes in the drop arm, then you will INCREASE the (apparent) 'Ackerman effect'. This non-central mounting of the track rods adds to the effect of the 'off centre' holes in the drag links.
For precision, I don't know what the effect is if you CROSS the track rods so that the left one mounts to the right hole and vice versa. I am just trying to be accurate or I'll get picked up on it! You'd have to be an idiot to do it, though!!