Much better for the same money as the ordinary stuff isn’t the way of the world, though, is it Paul?
XR30 version of the same engine (easy to convert – power equalised to Rotax and similar) can be raced MSA in F6 or any number of IKR events, the monthly meetings at Lydd probably being must suitable for you.
XR50 is not a step you should take straight out of rental karts. But no, they don't need practice sessions separate from other senior karts – just like gearbox karts (which have similar performance) don’t. To the best of my knowledge, they are welcome at every track in the country except one, and that one is hardly ever open anyway.
Yes, XR30 in particular is very low maintenance as so unstressed. Leagues better than any 2-stroke, but that comes at a premium price.
As with anything and everything else: try before you buy.