Sorry Paul, your thread seems to have been hijacked us a bit....
But in answer to your question, buy on provenance and not what the dyno says, if you can satisfy yourself by testing then all the better.
T1 or T2, well as you can see that seems to be a bit of a hot potato. A good T1 is still a good engine but a good (legal) T2 will still marmalise it anywhere where there is a long straight. Yes a T1 has benefits for tighter tracks, but those are pretty much limited to Rye and Buckmore and arguably you're probably better off with T2 for all the reasons in the thread.
It seems there will be a state of flux early next year so either you can sit on your money and see what happens (which may well end up costing more) or you can take a punt now (which may also end up costing you more money)
Going by Kelvin's comments it seems that the differences between the T1s, T2s, Monster T2s and "optimised" ones will lessened. That's not to say they'll all be the same as some will always be better or worse in one way or another but that the range of difference may not be as extreme as it was this year.