A lot will depend on whether you intend to race your prokart so simply have a play.
For racing most clubs run to the regulations reviewed annually known as the Honda Technical Regulations. Save for the introduction of a new engine earlier this year these have remained quite stable and may be found at http://www.abkc.org.uk/HondaGX160techregsV7.pdf If these don't specify something you are looking to do then quite simply you can't.
An after market conrod the weld and piston mod would not be permitted.
If, however, you don't plan to race and want a cheap bit of fun then fill your boots. I don't have any experience of the after market products but bear in mind that these little motors are designed to run all day at 2500 RPM and we typically take them to around 6k when racing. It may prove to be false economy.
GX140 springs were the norm a few years back - most drivers today will use the G4 spring. Both are still leagal but if you have a 14cc head you will still need to use the k spec piston which has a scoop removed (ie not flat).
With regards to the rod snapping in my experience this is normally caused due to a seizure of the big end being the bottom of the conrod that is mounted around the crank with 2 bolts. Both surfaces should be perfectly smooth with no marks. It is easy to see any pick up and if this was the cause of the failure neither surface will be smooth.