I have recently come across a current set of American race regs where they admit the Honda engine has too much variation to make it fair for all. To reduce the 'SP' scenario we have in this country they have drawn up the regs to allow proper blueprinting of certain engine components, easily done by any local engine recon machine shop. This would equalise any descrepancys in these areas. There will always be differences, but it would be less of a gap. It would not take away the skills the engine builders use in precision engine assembly. As stated in their regs this can be done for a fraction of the price than current 'SP' engines are being sold for. I would like to hear from Kelvin why this approach was'nt done in the past, I'm sure he had his reasons and hope theres something in the 2012 regs now that 'SP' engines are pushing the cost of prokarts up in an economic climate that needs to control cost to survive.