Trev, It seems you do believe your own propaganda, ang you are entitled to, but people will pull you up when you are being antagonistic and paying devils advocate for the sake of it. Most peope dont need me to point it out, just look at brian's comments or lard ass or frascati but sometimes maybe you need it pointing out. My negative comments are not killing ukk so you can stop peddaling that one load of old pony and clutch at another straw. It's your endless hyperbole and blatant bias towards what you perceive to be your crusade be it msa racing wombwell rpm 7 kart 172 kgs or dunlop tyres. I am sure it floats your boat to put peoples backs up and get them wound up butif you have a problem with my comments or what i say come and see me in the so called big works van all next year at the kart mania challenge or if you fancy popping over to three sisters someone will point you in my direction