It is a very, very good idea. This problem has been debated for over a decade now and no one wants to move fwd on it. So fair play is all i can say.
The results will change and that will cheese a few regular front runners off and make mid / back field runners on smaller budgets a lot happier... Holistically speaking it sounds like a great idea with the potential to leading towards to bigger grids instead of watching the same bunch finishing on top, which annoys those who spend teh money but will never recieve/afford 'the best engines'. Logistics maybe a different kettle o fish however!
BTW: I'm PMSL @ steven w... Your bored of hearing it?Really? Did you always finish in 1st place? (Ans: No)
And what engines does H use? > RPM prepped SP motors AND racing with the 'engine tuner' in your team! So you always have a fantastic source of 'big' engines to fall back on.
Your comments are surprising out of touch for someone who begged H for a drive.