You've probably stumbled on the only form of karting that isn't also all about money. So you're on the right track, but......... if you go down the open engines route you could be back to the same situation.
Of course if you just want to have fun then tuning these engines can be as rewarding and exciting as the racing itself(takes all sorts lol)especially when you get to the point where you can beat some of the 'superior' 2 -strokes in practice.
But if you want to pit yourself against other drivers and find out who is really the fastest then anything other than legal (equalish) engines is pointless.
Any one of the tuning options available in the States could see you getting an unassailable advantage over the opposition, problem is their only option then to beat you would be to buy faster bits and so it goes on, you have your own personal arms race. As pointed out previously, you ultimately end up with two expensive 20 HP engines that make prototype F1 engines look reliable.