Ahhhh..... now I get it.
Well....... first, the concept of 'drifting' and GX120 don't exactly make a goood match. The concept of drifting normally requires MASSES of excess power over grip. Not many GX120 can be described as having too MUCH power.
I suppose you could cover the tyres with fairy liquid or only drive the kart in heavy rain on slicks and do 'drifting' that way.
I don't think the type of brakes will make a ha'pennyworth of difference. In 'drifting' you don't spend MUCH time USING the brakes! It's just throttle and steering.
The Rod brakes mentioned by RoadRat is simply replacing the hydraulics or cable with a 'stiff rod' connecting the pedal to the brakes or the naster cylinder. The idea is that the rod will give the pedal more 'feeling'. Personally, I can't imagine going BACK to mechanical brakes after using hydraulics... you may as wel return to CrossPly tyres and friction shock absorbers....