You and I are closer in that opinion than you think....
The engine you have described EXISTS and I have been promnoting it for AGES.... it's the AIXRO. The Nature of Wankels makes them less susceptible to tuning and the tolerance already have to be LUDICROUSLY high!
Secondly, I have been trying to promote an idea similar to 'pooled engines' for YEARS! It could make you and I a FORTUNE while keeping the cost of karting lower for competitors.
The idea also includes a way for the COMPETITOR (not the organsiser or promoter) cheaply 'dealing with' an engine they suspect of being 'illegal'.
The 'disadvantage' is that the 'power' in karting is wielded by those who would have the most to LOSE from such a 'scheme'.
If you have £50,000 to risk..... call me.... we have spoken many times before; when you first started in France!
ON the blueprinting thing.... the old rules alowed for some components to be excluded from being 'blueprinted'. It's really not THAT tough!