How many times do I HAVE to say it? I am NOT having a go at RACING a ProKart! I have TWO of the things and have THOROUGHLY enjoyed racing them! They also make GREAT method of introducing friends to karting.
My ONLY 'negative' comnment was saying that they are NOT the MOST sensible to TUNE if you do NOT intend to RACE! You can spend a FORTUNE tuning one and still have less than ONE THIRD the power of a 2 stroke! If you DE-TUNE the 2 stroke and buy a CHEAP/OLD one, it will cost you LESS to buy than a GX160 and it will be CHEAPER to run as you can simply throw it away and buy ANOTHER when it fails for the costs of getting someone to REBUILD a GX160!
A 2 Stroke run VASTLY below it's max rev range will give MASSIVE numbers of 'hours' before a rebuild as it will be being run UN-strained whereas a Racing and Tuned GX160 will be running VASTLY above it's design tolerances!
Put simply:
1) If you want FUN.... the GX160 is FABULOUS 2) If you want POWER... it would be almost IMPOSSIBLE to tune it ENOUGH to equal the HUMBLE TKM BT82, If you DID, it would be STAGGERINGLY FRAGILE,..... and EXPENSIVE! 3) If you want to RACE... the GX160 Prokart is FABULOUS value if you run in a 'restricted' category. However, it's not as cheap to run at the front as it SHOULD be......!
I don't see ANYTHING controversial in those views! Why is it SO awful for me to state the OBVIOUS!
DAMN IT! I LIKE the GX160..... in the right PLACE!