Your rear axle is not mounted correctly and was put-in under tension or the 'cassettes' have moved on their 'adjustable mounting holes' since it was built.
If the chassis was BUILT twisted, they would have simply set the axle adjustment to take up that error.... unless it was bent like a banana!
The fact that the kart is only two months old is NO proof that you haven't bent the chassis, either. You can do it on the first LAP and any subsequent one! Even badly hit KERBS can do it!
Mounting an axle properly takes TIME and CARE. If you like, simply post your email address and I'll send you a complete set of instrcutions of how to mount an axle correctly and accurately. It contains more info than you might need. If you'd like, I'll also send instructions how to see if you chassis IS twisted once you have mounted the axle correctly.