The scrutineers are smarter than you think and see things that as drivers we can't. Not saying this is the case in this instance but someone crap in the corners but flying down a straight stands out big time. When Mark got caught running the 200 head gaskets the other year this woul dhave been the case but he learnt his lesson.
I agree with Welshy that scrutineering is a must to keep our series clean. No-one wants to go home with an engine in bits but if that is what it takes then I am all for it. Who picks is down to teh Clerks and scrutineers. It could be something they have seen or simply to shut up the paddock gossip or completely at random. It is the unknown that keeps everyone on their toes and drivers should not chance a quick mod to gain an advantage even in the mid grid or clubman.
The beauty of it all is that next month there might be no checks at all or the same drivers again. We will never know. But there have been some profile drivers caught in recent times as well as some Heavy weights at other series. Regulations are there for all and long may it continue.
If I am honest though it is the one thing I don't like about motorsport. Everyone assumes that if you are fast you must be cheating. We all know this isn't always the case but even the might Ferrari has been caught over the years. Compare that with the young pro golfer last week who penalised himself for skimming the water in a hazard on his backswing while everyone was appluading his remarkable recovery shot. Or Alex Higgins standing up in a profile snooker tournament final as he brushed his cuff on a ball. True sport!