I'm open to ideas on this one folks as i am running out of ideas. One of our Gx160's revs up to 6200rpm 'unloaded' as it should do, but the other one only revs to 5600rpm 'unloaded'. Heres a lowdown on the engine - Gx160 for MSA racing. It has 140 psi compression after a top end rebuild 1 race ago. g4 valve springs and exhaust caps / rotators on inlets. valve clearances set to .002" cold. The coil gap is .015" Ok.. heres what i have changed already to try and solve the problem. Swapped the carb and plug from the other engine and fitted a brand new coil... No difference. Oh and ive checked that the key is still in the flywheel. Apart from pulling the cam out to check for worn lobes I really dont know what else it can be. Any suggestions / help would be greatly appreciated.