Hi. We might be biased as we have only raced MS karts. I agree with the previous comments though that say there is probably nothing between the 7 and the MS.
We have had 3 MS karts now and now have a 2006/7 3 bearing with floating brake and that is one of the fastest at our club now.
My comment might be that whilst generally speaking the karts performance will be identical, you may find that one suits your driving style & build more than another. If you can I would suggest testing both on the track as its a fair wedge to spend. Saying that the MS does seem a little on the pricy side - can't speak for 7 as I don't follow pricing on those. What I would say is that second hand pricing seems to be low at the moment with karts hard to sell for good money so I would push both for sub £2000.
I sold a 2006 MS with race prepared (not tuned) engines and got just over £1000. With new engines I wouldn't expect to pay more than £1800 tops.
Good Luck